BlueCielo TeamWork 2012 User's Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions |
When an Autodesk Inventor upgrade is deployed, all Autodesk Inventor files from the lowest assembly levels to the highest must also be upgraded to the latest version. This is necessary to prevent version conflicts from occurring during actions performed by the Autodesk Inventor Link that use Autodesk Inventor components. In order to accomplish this in TeamWork without causing file locking problems or unnecessary revisions, the Inventor Migration Tool is provided to upgrade the files using tasks that you define for the Autodesk Inventor Task Scheduler.
The Inventor Migration Tool uses a Migrate Files task of the Autodesk Inventor Task Scheduler to upgrade the files. It does this with a BlueCielo service module to automatically download the files from the vault to the user’s Local Workspace before the Migrate Files task is run. After the upgrade has completed, the service module automatically uploads the files back to the vault. Once properly set up, you can reuse these tasks with each Autodesk Inventor upgrade to keep the files current.
Note The Inventor Migration Tool may only be used on vaults that have Local Workspace enabled, which we recommend for Autodesk Inventor users anyway.
Setting up the Inventor Migration Tool involves several steps that must be performed in the following order.
Each of these steps is described in the following topics.
Related concepts
About the Autodesk Inventor link
Managing Autodesk Inventor iParts
Autodesk Inventor project file settings
About Autodesk Inventor dialogs
Related tasks
Registering the Inventor Migration Tool
Working with the BlueCielo browser
Synchronizing title block and summary data
Using the Autodesk Inventor link
Configuring the Autodesk Inventor project file to use Content Center
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